Despite being probably the most widely available Italian rice variety outside Italy, Arborio is not the rice of choice for lovers of Italian food. That honour probably goes to Carnaroli, which has been described as the 'king' or 'caviar' of Italian rices. Carnaroli has a higher amylose (starch) content than other varieties, which makes for a creamier risotto and also means that the rice keeps its shape better during the slow cooking required for making this classic Italian dish.
Carnaroli was developed in 1945 as a cross between the Vialone Nano and Lencino varieties. Vialone Nano in turn was developed in 1937 as a cross between the Vialone and Nano varieties. It's said to be the preferred rice of the Veneto region, while Carnaroli has become the preferred variety in most other Italian regions.
© Haydn Thompson 2017